Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lectio Divina - Thirty-seven

Anthony Bloom.  Beginning to Pray.  Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1970, p.15.

To meet God means to enter into the “cave of a tiger” - it is not a pussy cat you meet - it’s a tiger.  The realm of God is dangerous.  You must enter into it and not just seek information about it.


Lindsay Boyer said...

This quotation is from one of my favorite books about prayer. Anthony Bloom describes how we often like to talk about God and explore the idea of God, but to actually enter into the realm of God requires taking risks and becoming fully engaged with God. God often leads us towards that which we are most frightened of.

Loving God, help me to take the next step that you are asking of me, even when it means taking a risk, making a mistake, or being afraid.

Jeanne said...

Yesterday I entered a cave via an inner-warrior meditation, and I met a black crow there, who gave me a special, haunting message. How much more powerful, God!