Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lectio Divina - Ninety-four

The Cloud of Unknowing. New York: Image Books, 1973, 56.

A naked intent toward God, the desire for God alone, is enough.


Lindsay Boyer said...

In this passage, the anonymous author of the Christian contemplative classic The Cloud of Unknowing describes the contemplative path, inviting us to let go of all thoughts of God and simply be with God in an intentional manner. Our desire for God pierces the cloud of unknowing that separates us from God. We may be afraid of our own desire, afraid that it will lead us astray or make us run amok, but desire is also what is most precious, powerful, and alive in us, leading us toward the sacred.

Jeanne said...

This quote from The Cloud of Unknowing comforts me, as I teeter on a brink of fear, doubt and sadness because I am not sure, I do not know, but I very much want God/ess.