Cynthia Bourgeault, Love is Stronger than Death: The Mystical Union of Two Souls. Texas: Praxis, 2007, 186.
The Kingdom of Heaven is not higher but aliver; it is right here, just on the other side of that “terror we can just scarcely bear”’; the only thing lacking to embrace it is the depth of our hearts.
It’s tempting to think that our spiritual pursuits will turn us into higher beings. That is the ego speaking, telling us that we can make ourselves better than others if we just follow all the rules correctly and become perfect. The spiritual journey leads downwards, into the darkness, into the “terror that we can just scarcely bear,” into the parts of ourselves we would most like to avoid, into humility. When we open ourselves in vulnerability and humility and just keep bearing the things that we can hardly bear, our hearts become deeper and deeper.
Loving God, please be with me as I try to be with everything that is in my heart, experiencing its fullness and openness for as long as I can bear. Help me to be fully alive by embracing all that you give me.
"Aliver" is what I reach for in partnership with my Higher Power, despite my fear that it requires too much work or discipline or humility. Godess, lead me into Your aliveness and help me dwell there moment by moment, fearless in Your protection, and aliver through You, in You, with You. Awomen.
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