Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lectio Divina - One hundred and eleven

Hadewijch of Antwerp, quoted in For Lovers of God Everywhere: Poems of the Christian Mystics, ed. Roger Housden, Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2009, 60.

The madness of love
Is a blessed fate;
And if we understood this
We would seek no other:
It brings into unity
What was divided,
And this is the truth:
Bitterness it makes sweet,
It makes the stranger a neighbor,
And what was lowly it raises on high.


Lindsay Boyer said...

We think we know what love is. But the wild wind of the Holy Spirit sometimes blows us into strange territories that we don’t recognize.

Hadewijch, a 13th century mystic, was associated with a community of women who lived like monastics but took no vows. She celebrates the way in which love carries us into a blessed madness, leading us away from the conventions of life into a unity with all things and all people. In order to feel this blessed madness, we must be willing to embrace love’s strangeness.

Loving God, let me live in your blessed madness.

Veliero dell'Alba said...

What a perfect moment for me to read this, Lindsay. Thank you so much for posting this poem and your comments.

Lindsay Boyer said...

You're welcome Alba. It's nice to have you with us.

Veliero dell'Alba said...

Thank YOU, Lindsay! I have been here for a while quietly reading and experiencing your beautiful work with gratitude.