Ann & Barry Ulanov. Primary Speech: A Psychology of Prayer. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1982. p.92.
Intercessory prayer pulls us into the tow of God’s connectedness to everything. We are pulled into a current that shows us nothing is separated from anything else, no one from everyone else. We are in an ocean that flows under everything and through everyone. Not only do we discover the hungry parts of ourselves that we need to feed when we pray for the hungry persons of the world, but we discover the neglected parts of the world through praying for the neglected parts of ourselves. When we deal with the hating parts of ourselves, we see with sudden clarity how much hate exists in the people around us. When we pray for the suffering parts of ourselves, we are increasingly wounded by the suffering of those around us.
Loving God, help me to be prayer as I walk through our world. Help me to touch with prayer everyone with whom I come into contact, bringing your love into the world. Help me to be prayer as I read the newspaper and watch the news, holding in prayer all those who work for justice, all those who suffer injustice, poverty, and abuse, all those who are lonely and in despair. Help me to grow larger with your love so that I may hold more of our world in prayer.
God/ess, please heal us all, and help us to play that forward in all our affairs. Help me to care about people I do not know, and to remember them in prayer. Help me also to remember to pray for people who have asked me to. I am sorry that I center on my self and my own tiny world so much in my prayers. I love you. Thank you for loving us too.
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